Ozone is the combination of three oxygen atoms and ozone is naturally composed of gas. It is blue in colour and has a strong odour. In Earth's stratosphere, most of the ultraviolet radiation will be absorbed by ozone gas. The ozone layer was discovered in 1913 by the French physicists Charles Fabry and Henri Buisson.

 Ozone layer depleted by free radicals, including nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydroxyl (OH), atomic chlorine (Cl), and atomic bromine (Br). The concentration of chlorine, bromine are gradually increasing because of man-made halogens like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), bromofluorocarbons. These highly stable compounds are capable of surviving the rise to the stratosphere, where Cl and Br radicals are liberated by the action of ultraviolet light. Each radical is capable of breaking over 100000 molecules in ozone. Gradually Every day the halogens are increasing in the atmosphere. It may cause a great pandemic (an increase of global warming etc.,) We have to stop all this mess and save our nature.

Nature is our mother; we cannot insult our mother.

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